We always appreciate feedback from our customers and we have copied here a selection of the comments that J & M Sewing Service have received recently below:
Hello J and M team,
Thank you so much for sending through my cassock, alb and surplus. Absolutely cracking job!
I really appreciate the care and attention to detail you've given to my order and I'll be recommending you to all my fellow ordinands.
with all blessings.
J.B 21.11.2024
Good morning J and M,
I am writing to say a huge thank you to you for sending the surplus and scarf to me. They are both so beautifully made and are the perfect fit! I did not realise how important it is to get these things right but this is my first time ordering robes so I am learning.
Please extend my thanks to the whole team and I wish you all the very best.
With every blessing
J.N. 16.09.2024
Dear J and M,
Just to let you know that the frontal and hangings arrived and were installed today. Please see the photo.
I want to say a huge thank you for another beautiful item you produced for us and for wonderful professional service you provided. Thank you to the whole team.
I will be in touch shortly with another project.
With every blessing
Fr D 30.08.2024
Imagine my surprise and delight to receive my order in such a timely manner!
I am greatly impressed with the handiwork of your sewers; the cassock/alb fit was spot on. It gave me great pleasure to wear the garment during Sunday Worship.
Again, many thanks for the wonderful alb and for the speed with which your team managed to produce it".
P.B. 22.04.24
"I would like to mention how grateful I have been to your staff as they handled my requirements at the start of my life as an ordained minister. They have been unfailingly courteous and helpful in clarifying my mind over various queries.
I have never been disappointed in the orders I have made and received from your company. It is fine quality, good tailoring and fine customer service.
I will continue to recommend."
J B E 01.11.2023
What a lovely surprise! The purple frontal was waiting for me and we are thrilled with it!
Thank you so much! It has made such a difference.
It has been a pleasure as always working with you and I hope we can proceed with perhaps another altar frontal.
Please do thank all those who have worked on this for us.
A.WM. 12.10.2023
Dear J and M,
I wanted to express my deep and heartfelt thanks to the team at J&M: I had ordered stoles in advance of my ordination as a deacon this Sunday, and fully expected them not to arrive in time (which would have been entirely my fault for ordering them too late). Just when I had given up hope and was making arrangements to borrow a stole, they arrived in the post today. I am very grateful to you for making all this happen: the stoles themselves are perfect and I will be very glad to begin my ministry as a deacon wearing the stoles I will (hopefully) be wearing for the rest of my life.
With deep gratitude,
"Just to confirm that the cope has arrived safely today.
It is absolutely wonderful and the quality of your work is beyond my expectations. Thank you so much for your hard work and for the most excellent service. I am sure that the cope will serve the community of St Cross for many years.
With my best wishes"
Fr. D
"I am writing to offer my thanks and appreciation to you and your team for the excellent cassocks received and earlier than expected which was a nice surprise. All the cassocks fit really well and are of excellent quality. Two servers are also wearing a new cotta each, the other 4 being kept as spare for when needed.
Having had three personal bespoke cassocks from you over time which have also been excellent, we will not hesitate to come back to you as needed in the future."
T.S. 28.08.2023
"My cassock arrived yesterday. I am delighted with it, and amazed at the speed with which the work was done. I will now be able to wear it for my collation as canon soon.
Please could you convey to your colleagues my thanks for the wonderful handiwork and also for the remarkable administrative efficiency.
With warm wishes"
F.H 24.08.2023
“My sincere thanks to all for your friendly greetings and much appreciated help and advice above all.
I than you for the wonderful results in the making of the tabernacle veils. They look magnificent and have already been much admired at church, including the vicar.
Whenever I visit your premises I am thrilled by all the wonderful creations you manufacture. Although my requirements were relatively small they are still testament to your great skills.
Wishing you continued success.”
A.H. Kaye , 23.08.2023
This has been all new territory for me as a new ordinand and it has been lovely to get so many enthusiastic recommendations from friends and collegues. It sometimes seems that the only answer to "Where did you get your vestments?" is "J&M Sewing of Course!"
Chris, July 2023
Dear J and M team,
Many thanks for completing this order so quickly, and for getting the stole delivered by the date I requested. This is great customer service, and very much appreciated.
All best wishes,
T.P 20.07.2023
Can I take the opportunity to say the advice I received over the phone from the lovely women I spoke to for advice before placing my order was absolutely brilliant. I'm an ordinand at Exeter Cathedral, so new to what style and fabric to choose. I preached in them for the first time last week and they're spot on in every way.
CP 02.03.2023
Have tried the vestments on, I am thrilled with them. Stunning work. Tailored beutifully and fit like a glove.
D 03.2023
I am writing to say how absolutely delighted I was to receive my order of a Rose clerical blouse on Saturday morning, more than a month before the December date for which it was needed - thank you all so much.
JW 07.11.2022
WOW! I am absolutely over the moon / delighted / speechless / bowled over etc at the amazing quality and finnish. It is amazing, amazing, amazing. Thank you all.
GD 10.02.2023
Thank you so very much for my robes, I am absolutely delighted. So wonderful to have robes that fit! They feel really good and have given me a lift and a buzz of excitement!
TR 13.04.2023
Thank you for a wonderful job and for getting the Alb rushed out to me. Your help and your work are very much appreciated.
TW 07.07.2016
Dear J&M, Order received today - thank you. Beautifully made and of excellent quality. Much better than anything I've worn for the last 40 years!
JD 06.07.2016
I am both flabbergasted and deeply grateful for the extraordinary speed with which you responded to my request. Please pass on my thanks to your team. You are marvels!
RJ 25.04.2023
I just wanted to write and thank you for the two lovely Stoles I received today in time for my husband's deaconing at Brecon Cathedral. The skilled sewing and workmanship is wonderful, and everyone I spoke to on the telephone was so friendly and helpful. I certainly know we shall use your services again.
HD 25.06.2016
Thanks so much for getting my Cassock-Alb to me in time for the wedding tomorrow. It is beatifully made, and I am delighted with it.
AH 24.06.2016
Hi everyone. Thank you for all your hard work, and 'phone calls - and the Stoles which arrived safely today.
DW 24.06.2016
How wonderful! Came down from Prayers with the Vicar, and there was your parcel containing the Dalmatic and Tunicle. We have looked at them with the Chasuble, and they are lovely. Thank you so very much - and in good time too!
LB 24.06.2016
I would just like to say how very well received by our congregation the new chasubles have been. An excellent job, well done.
GC 19.06.2016
I'm very pleased with my Alb, thank you very much - it fits perfectly. I will be singing your praises in the future!
HK 27.05.2016
Cassock arrived the day before yesterday. It's fantastic! Fits like a dream and very well made. Thanks so much
CW (California) 28.05.2016
I'm very pleased with the Stole you made, which arrived in good time for my friend's Ordination as Deacon.
KG 17.05.2016
Got home from work to find a parcel with my Stoles in it. Very happy! Lovely work - thank you so much.
HC 29.04.2016
The new Vergers Gown you made has been safely delivered and I am very pleased with it. Very many thanks
PS 28.04.2016
My Cassock and Surplice arrived this morning. Both fitted like gloves! Thank you for all your hard work - it is very much appreciated.
GH 15.04.2016
Many thanks for sending our new Altar Frontal in time for it to be blessed on Easter Day. It means a lot to us. We have been delighted with the service we have received from J&M.
VH 23.03.2016
I am delighted that my parcel has arrived, and can I commend you on the beautifully packed box. Please also pass on to your colleagues my thanks and praise for their excellent workmanship.
ER 23.03.2016
Both items have arrived. Absolutely fabulous, great cut, great fit and as ever great workmanship. Very many thanks
PA 21.03.2016
My new Cassock arrived this morning, and I am both hugely grateful - and impressed - that you got it to me so quickly - so a very big thank-you. J&M does it again!
JC 21.03.2016
Thank you very much for the robes for Newport Cathedral. They look wonderful! We plan to wear them for the first time on Easter Day so that we shall look white and bright for the Celebrations.
EG 21.03.2016
I just wanted to say thank you very much for our Choir Gowns which arrived last week. They are fantastic and we are very pleased with them. Also we were delighted that they arrived in such good time for our weekend singing at Norwich Cathedral. Please pass on our thanks to everyone who worked on them.
AB 21.03.2016
Thank you so much for sending my Cassock and Surplice so quickly, in time for Holy Week. They are a perfect fit and I shall be very prouf to wear them.Many thanks for your excellent service.
PC 20.03.2016
This is just to say thank you for quickly altering my Alb so that I can wear it on Easter Day.
RM 20.03.2016
I am writing to say thank you to the Team who have made the very splendid Scarlet Cassock that arrived yesterday. I know that you have an enormous amount of work on, and you have been pressed for time, so I appreciate all the more how you have managed to make this item and get it to me in time for Easter. It's quite something, and I shall think you of all when it comes out of the cupboard.
RC 18.03.2016
Just to say that we have received the Stole and are very pleased with it. Thank you so much for all the help and advice you gave to us. It has been a pleasure dealing with you.
BW 16.03.2016
I would like to say a big "thank-you" to all at J&M, for working so hard to complete my robes in time for my wife to travel to Beirut. I am now in possession of my new robes and used them today during morning worship - they are beautifully made.
DR 13.03.2016
Thank you very much for your great service. I have collected the Cassock and tried it on. It fits like a hand in a glove - just perfect.
CA 03.03.2016
Just to let you know that my robe has arrived, and that I am really pleased with it. A great fit!
PB 03.03.2016
I have been meaning to get in touch with you to express my sincere thanks for your incredible service. I am indeed grateful to you and most happy with the finish and quality of the vestments you have made for me.
DP 02.03.2016
Thank you very much for my Bib-Stock. It is perfect.
SH 02.03.2016
I'm sorry to be just letting you know that the new Stole arrived in good time for Christmas, and was well used over Christmas and Epiphany. The main thing is - I loved it - so thank you very much for your great work in replacing my damaged one. I'm very happy. Great job! It was all straightforward, when I imagined that it would be nearly impossible to get one like it made again.
GC 11.02.2016
I would like to thank you for your speed and efficiency in making and delivering my blouse so quickly. It fits perfectly.
JA 03.02.2016
I simply had to tell you how delighted I am with the Cassock and Cotta you made for me recently. The quality is outstanding - with particular attention to the finer details. It has attracted several comments, resulting in me already having passed on your details to two Priests and two Servers. On the occasions when I have telephoned your office, I have found your staff most efficient, friendly and extremely helpful with advice. The sevice I received was exemplary.
PSH 19.01.2016
Thank you very much for rushing through my robes. They have arrived safely and fit perfectly.
RM 19.01.2016
My Cassock and Surplice were delivered safely this morning. Please pass on my thanks and appreciation to the people who must have worked hard to get this ready in time.
JU 18.01.2016
I wanted to let you know that my Cassock and Surplice were delivered safely here in the USA last weekend, and they have turned out every bit as well as I had hoped. The fabrics are clearly of the highest quality, the workmanship is exceptional, the styling is exactly as it should be and the fit is perfect. Thank you for your remarkable care and attention at every stage. I look forward to many years of service from these garments and I will certainly be recommending you to my colleagues in future.
BC 14.01.2016
We can't thank you enough for the Laudian Frontal. Absolutely perfect! It has transformed our Sanctuary.
NR 13.01.2016
Thank you for the prompt delivery of my son's Preaching Scarf, ready for his Ordination.
SD 01.01.2016
Our Rector and congregation are delighted with the Altar Frontal etc that you made for us in time for our Advent Carol Service. I personally would like to tnak the ladies in the sewng room for their time, suggestions and help when I visited them to place our order.
MO 17.12.2015
Many thanks for the fine job your firm have made of my new Canon's Cassock. It is a beautiful fit, and the whole process of being measured, and the execution and delivery of the Cassock, proceeded so smoothly. I enjoyed my short visit to Newcastle, and found the warmth and assistance of the Staff helped so much.
PB 11.12.2015
Dear J&M, Sunday was my first opportunity to see the new Altar Linen which is absolutely lovely. Our grateful thanks to all involved in their making.
BC 01.12.2015
Dear Stephen, Thank you very much - the Bishop now has everything he needs for the moment. I hope everyone on the staff continues to get better, as I know there have been a lot of new Bishops for you to deal with, with the added pressure for your team. Please pass on our sincere thanks as it's been lovely to work with you, and I know the Bishop is pleased with his new robes.
JK 30.11.2015
Thank you so much for the Cassock received a few days ago. I am extremely pleased with the garment. This is the first time I have used J&M but I will not hesitate to do so again.
IP 25.11.2015
I have received my Cassock-Alb, and I am delighted to say I am very pleased with it. Please thank everyone involved in its production.
AH 30.11.2015
Thank you so much for sending everything to Ditchingham, including my Cassock which is absolutely beautiful! It arrived yesterday and I am thrilled with it - a perfect fit and wonderfully made. Thank you to the whole team!
SF 25.11.2015
We have received our order and I am so thrilled with the finished result. The Altar Frontals fit perfectly and they look so smart with the matching Falls and Chasubles. The whole thing looks stunning, even to the matching Celtic Crosses. I'm looking forward to using that set for Advent next week - for once, everything will be the same pattern and colour - something I can't remember in this Church in 30 years of attendance here.Many, many thanks to you and your excedllent team.
AL 22.11.2015
Thank you very much for your prompt and hassle-free service once again, in making me a Chasuble, Cassock-Alb and Garment Bag - and of course for your excellent workmanship.
RW 20.11.2015
Thank you so much for getting the Cassock to me. It arrived this morning, in time for my Licensing, and is a very good fit. I am very grateful indeed.
TW 12.11.2015
Dear J&M, Sunday was my first opportunity to se the new Altar Linen which is absolutely lovely. Our grateful thanks to all involved in their making.
BC 01.12.2015
Just to say many thanks for the Cassock which fits perfectly and good luck with the recruiting of a new seamstress. Knowing your standards, that'll be a tough test for anybody.
PW 10.11.2015
Thank you very much for my Surplice. It arrived here in New Zealand promptly and I am thrilled with it. I very much appreciate your service.
CA 23.10.2015
Thank you so much. My Alb has arrived safely, and it's perfect. I shall wear it on Sunday. I can't thank you enough!
SD 08.10.2015
Thank you for your note, checking on delivery. I did indeed receive the parcel and the Surplice is perfect. Thank you so much for your service.
NK - Waco, USA 02.10.2015
Thank you for the great Albs you made for the members of the Community of St Anselm at Lambeth Palace. They are very nice, and look amazing on the members.
EKL - Community of St Anselm 01.10.2015
Just to say young William's Cassock fits like a dream and he had a very broad smile when he tried it on - even though it covered his Liverpool Footbal Strip! His middle name is Shankly - but he's never heard of Bill Shankly! Many thanks for a smashing job.
JW 29.09.2015
It was simply woderful to find my refurbished Cassock had arrived just in time for the Ordination at Hereford Cathedral. It's been refurbished so well it looks like new. Every detail so well attended to. Please tell the ladies who did the owrk how impressed we are. Your service is second to none, and I am particularly pleased that you were able to do the work so speedily, at a busy time for your firm.
JWB 28.09.2015
A huge thank-you, to everyone involved, for your amazingly fast production of my beautiful new robes and Reader Scarf. It felt very special to be able to wear them for the Licensing Ceremnoy in Bristol Cathedral on Saturday. I will definitely recommend your service to others.
LL 27.09.2015
Thanks very much for the safe delivery. It all fits perfectly and I'm very pleased with the quality.
DM 23.09.2015
Just a chance to thank your team for the communion cloths, they were dedicated and used yesterday for our Covenant service and many commented on their beauty, especially the embroidered cross in the middle. Many thanks for your assistance.
MS 14.09.2015
I am delighted with my new Cassock and Surplice. Thank you so much.
RW 25.08.2015
I just wanted to let you know I received my two Cassocks and I am extremely pleased with both of them. The sewing (materials used, fit, attention to detail, customisation and all else) is perfect. To quote a friend "J & M Cassocks are flawless!" Hopefully you will be getting many orders from Columbus, Ohio, and thereabout. I know many here in the Diocese of Columbus that have ordered from you, and been thoroughly pleased with your quality, service and reasonable prices. Thank you for your service.
TC (USA) 12.08.2015
Many thanks for the Pulpit Fall which arrived this morning. It is absloutely stunning. Our Minister and the Donor have both had the opportunity to see it and they are "bowled over" by it! Many thanks again for this beautiful piece of work and for all your assistance.
LD 29.07.2015
Many thanks for my robes, which arrived today - fitting perfectly.
PS 29.07.2015
I wanted to let you know that I received my Cassock (actually last week) and IT IS PERFECT! If it is possible to in love with a garment, then I am in love with this one! Thank you - a thousand times - thank you!
TDeL (USA) 23.07.2015
Thank you for the delivery of my new Cassock. Despite your query over my original measurements, it fits beautifully and I'm very pleased with it. As a new customer I was a bit worried, but I will now be very happy to recommend you to others.
MS 21.07.2015
Just a quick note to thank J&M for producing such a beautiful Exorasson. Its attention to detail is exemplary - especially since you were basing the manufacture oof the garment on photographs and a customer description. As always, the care and quality that has gonbe into its construction is utterly superb. I was also deeply touched by the care taken in replacing the poppers with buttons. Yet another testament to the care and dedication unique to J&M - nothing is ever too much trouble. From a very happy customer of 11 years.
JP 20.07.2015
I just wanted to thank you for your prompt service at such a busy time of year for you. I asked if it would be possible for my order to be received by today and it arrived at the end of last week. I'm so impressed! Grateful thanks.
JM 29.06.15
Thank you very much once again for all your care and craftsmanship, and also your friendliness & attention to detail (amongst everything else). It is much appreciated. I will be sure to be in touch when I next need something.
ABN 24.06.2015
My robes are beautifully made, and I'm extremely impressed and grateful for the high standard of customer care and service i experienced when visiting your shop/workroom in January and June. With thanks.
CH 16.06.2015
I cannot remember if I have said this already or not - but it will not harm to say again (if I have) that I am so grateful for the Cassock, Surplice and Stoles that I ordered from you. They fit well and are so beautiful. That is a real source of comfort and encouragement at this anxious time. Thank you so much.
OM-C 16.06.2015
Just a note of thanks - the Stole arrived this morning, and it's absolutely beautiful. My wife and I are both over the moon with it, so do please pass on my thanks to your colleagues and the artist.
JP 05.06.2015
It was a particularly nice surprise, at the end of a long drive from Inverness, to find my Beadle's Robe had arrived - and what a splendid garment it is. What a shame Scottish Presbyterianism won't allow me to do a couple of twirls as I process into the Sanctuary! Thank you very much for your help with this project and to Doris for her advice.
RWH 23.05.15
Just wanted to say how very pleased I am with my new Readers Scarf. Beautiful material, beautifully made and with wonderful customer care and service. What more could one ask for?
MC 27.04.2015
I got a lovely surprise yesterday when a big parcel arrived. Everything I ordered is fantastic and I am so pleased with each part of it. The Stoles are particularly beautiful. Trying everything on yesterday made it all feel real - and I am now even more excited about my Ordination in June. Thank you so much for your help. I will definitely be back in the future when I need other things.
Thank you so much for my Cassock - and I apologise for the delay in saying that. It is excellent and fits perfectly.
EM 18.04.2015
I just wanted to thank you for your excellent and amazingly rapid service. I only sent material for three Blouses and a Stock, during last week - and they were delivered yesterday! I am delighted with them, as always and do thank all concerned. It is always delightful to speak to your staff - their welcoming friendliness, enhanced by the lovely Geordie accent, gives a real lift to the day. A very appreciative Customer.
PS 10.03.2015
Just to let you know that my Cassock arrived safely here on Thursday. It fits perfectly and I wore it for this morning's services. Many thanks for your efficient service.
AW 01.03.2015
Thank you so much for the damask Vergers Gowns which arrived very promptly this week. We are all delighted with them - the quality is excellent and the team are very proud to wear them. The Garrison Church's Head Verger has also passed on his thanks for the excellent design, incorporating the gilt raised embroidery of the Household Division.
BM 26.02.2015
My Cassock and accessories arrived this morning, so my order is complete. I am extremely satisfied with the high quality and your workmanship. Thank you very much indeed for the prompt service and delivery.
RK 11.02.2015
I should like to thank you for the superb Canon's Cassock you made for me recently. The material and the quality of workmanship were excellent and the measurements were just right, making it a perfect fit. It was also delivered well within the time you had quoted.
CB 17.12.2014
Just to let you know that we have today received our completed order for two Vergers Gowns. We are thrilled with the quality of the garments and the workmanship that has gone into them. Thank you for your mightily impressive, speedy, service. With our grateful thanks.
G&K L 21.11.2014
Thank you for the quick supply of our Order for Collar Ruffs, which arrived yesterday. It is much appreciated.
JD 20.11.2014
Hi Ladies - just a quick email to let you know my Alb arrived safe and sound in yesterday's mail, in time for this morning's mid-week Service. As usual, it fits perfectly. Many thanks for your support and excellent service yet again.
MR 19.11.2014
I have just received my "Audrey" Clerical Blouse and just wanted to say how delighted I am with the quality and fit - and with the speed with which my Order was completed. This is the first time I have used your service and I will certainly be coming back and recommending you to my colleagues. It is a delight to get a clergy shirt that fits and looks feminine.
MP 14.11.2014
What a fantastic job you have done. I am very pleased! All three items arrived safely to day and as I said, they are a fantastic job!
IN 07.11.2014
What can I say? Your stuff arrived this morning - and I really thought this kind of quality workmanship had died out! Everything is superb - the fit, the materials, the cut and indeed the price - not to mention the service and promptness. Thanks to all there.
JF 14.10.2014
Thank you so much for altering my Cassock so promptly - it fits beautifully now.
AN 10.10.2014
I wanted to say how very pleased I am with the Cassock. The fit is perfect! Thank you for an excellent service.
TS 02.10.2014
I would like to thank everyone involved regarding my order - such excellent service. Many thanks.
JE 01.10.2014
I just wanted to thank you for completing my recent order. Even though I ordered quite late,and then introduced a further delay when I did not pick up your phone message, the order arrived on time. The items are also very well made and fit perfectly. I am very grateful to your team.
DL 25.09.2014
The Vestments arrived yesterday, as planned, and they are fantastic. We are very pleased indeed. Many, many thanks for all your hard work and for delivering such wonderful garments within a short time period.
HO 18.09.2014
My heartfelt thanks for your gifts and talents in making my beautiful Canon's Cassock. It will be treasured forever! God bless your hands and your hearts.
SA 17.09.2014
My Cassock and Surplice arrived today - they are beautiful and fit exactly. A very big thank you to all involved - what remarkable workmanship. May God keep blessing the skills you have in continuing this work.
PL 10.09.2014
Thank you very much for making the Albs, that arrived safely here in Brussels this lunch-time. They are beautiful - very smart indeed.
DK 08.09.2014
I have received my Cassock today, and I am wholly delighted with it. Thank you very much for your quick service on the alteration to make the sleeves longer. They are now a perfect length.
DS 28.08.2014
Thank you. Cassock, Surplice and Readers Scarf all safely received and a perfect fit!
JH 26.08.2014
Many thanks for your prompt service. The Stole was lovely and well received.
FF 11.08.2014
Thank you so much for the Alb received today. It is just perfect! Thank you for your efficiency, professionalism and wonderful "over-the-phone" manner. As ever, excellent service.
AT 11.08.2014
Just to let you know that I received my new Cassock in Harlesden and as usual it is marvellous!
Fr WW (USA) 31.07.2014
Our new Choir Robes arrived safely, thank you. The try-on session went very well indeed. The Choir were delighted with their Cassocks and even more so with the quality of the Surplices.
MA 19.07.2014
Just a note to thank you for the superb Clerical Blouses received this week. I am thrilled with them.
MP 19.07.2014
Thank you for all your help and for making my new Alb. For 10 years I have been grateful for your courtesy, friendliness and professional work. Every Blessing.
GW 16.07.2014
My husband's Cassock arrived safely and we are really pleased with it. Thank you very much to those who made it and dealt with our order.
AG 10.07.2014